- Xbox Live
We are a clan of community always taking on new members from pc xbox and playstation, we welcome new and old players of destiny. We play both Destiny and Destiny 2 and will play Destiny 3 When and if it comes out in 2020. We offer a chill and calm experience will raid do iron banner, crux lore and more we always grind to get the best loot and work on the clan as a family. Please check us out and talk to BETA GRAYWOL93 on xbox pc or playstion for more info, if you cant get a hold of him you can contact Judgment day93 or Ellogovna21 for more details abiouyt the clan! GRIND FOR THE BEST STUFF LIKE ALWAYS! AND KEEP GRINDING!
- Effort of Saint-14Took part in an an event sponsored by the Order of Saint-14
- Nightmare of Saint-14Took part in an an event sponsored by the Order of Saint-14
- Raider of Saint-14Took part in an an event sponsored by the Order of Saint-14