Thank you


After over a hundred events, 21,803,457 tracked games from thousands of clans, and lots of lessons learned, we've decided to hold our final Destiny Clan Warfare event.

It wasn't an easy decision, but a number of factors meant this was the only real option.

We've tried our best to grow our little pocket of the Destiny 2 community. At times it's been tough, and whilst we now have almost three thousand clans taking part in our events, the average percentage of clan members taking part has never reached the levels we hoped it would.

On top of that the increasing infrastructure costs of supporting such a fast-paced platform has meant that we regularly exceed your generous contributions via Patreon and PayPal each month, leaving us out of pocket. This has been further compounded this month by our hosting provider introducing a new pricing model that would see our costs increase 10-fold.

To anyone that became a Patron, sponsored an event, created a modifier, gave us a little something to buy a beer, helped promote us in any way, or simply participated in an event; We will always be thankful from the bottom of our hearts.

We still have plans to work together on other projects under our New High Score brand, but for now, this is the end of Destiny Clan Warfare.

See you on the battlefield Guardians - Ben and Matt